Chinese Semiconductor Industry In-Depth Market Report

Chinese Semiconductor import export data


A semiconductor is basically worked as an intermediate between the conductor and an insulator. The popularity of the semiconductor industry depends because it is more compact full, reliable, power efficient, and has low manufacturing cost. 

In other words, based on the latest import-export data, we can say that the Semiconductor is basically the brain of all electronic devices, Ethier from mobile phones to refrigerators or from drones to automobiles.  

Every electronic device that is in the working stage contains semiconductor chips. Even we can say that not even a single electronic device will be able to work without semiconductors.   

As per the china import export data, China is manufacturing semiconductors that are fulfilling the demand of more than 10% of the global semiconductors market.  

Through our research report analyze the Chinese semiconductor market and prepare extraordinary plans to boost your market sales. 

In terms of China import data,  China is importing semiconductor chips worth more than $350 Billion US Dollars in the last fiscal year 2021. 

In the year 2020, we see growth in the export sector Chinese semiconductor market and their sales will cover almost 9% of the global semiconductor market 

Top 5 semiconductor manufacturing countries 

Due to the huge popularity and the high demand for semiconductors chips countries are working effectively just to produce a huge amount of semiconductor chips so that they can fulfill the global semiconductor demand.  

We are here with the list of the top 5 countries that are manufacturing huge amounts of semiconductor chips with an overall percentage. Below we mentioned the list of countries. So without wasting more time let’s get started -  

  • USA - 37%

  • South Korea - 22%

  • Japan - 17%

  • Europe - 13%

  • China - 11%

These are the top 5 leading countries that are manufacturing semiconductor chips in huge amounts and fulfilling the global semiconductor demand. If you want to know more then gather the market trade report of the trusted global import-export data provider

Top 10 Chinese semiconductor manufacturers companies 

As we see above China comes under the list of the top 5 semiconductor manufacturing countries. Globally 1.31 trillion units of semiconductor chips are supplied throughout the world.  

So we examine the Chinese market and come back with a list of the top 10 Chinese companies that are manufacturing a large number of semiconductor chips.   

  • Hisilicon 

  • JET


  • ZTE

  • SMIC

  • Omni Vision

  • TF Micro

  • Huada semi

  • Zhixin Micro

  • Nexperia 

These are the top 10 key players that are working effectively in the Chinese semiconductor market and generating huge amounts of revenue which helping their country to grow in the export sector. If you want to know more then visit our official page for china export data.  

Conclusion - in this blog we gave you the Chinese Semiconductor Industry In-Depth Market Report. Additionally, we give the list of the top 5 semiconductor manufacturing countries, and the top 10 Chinese semiconductor manufacturers list.   

We hope that the information is enough and helpful for your import-export business. Stay connected with the latest trade data report from Trusted data provider Exim Trade Data


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