Turkish Exports 2022 hits all time high, 254 Billion USD

turkey import export data

Turkey is the leading market for the exports of automobiles and agricultural goods. WTO reports 2023 suggests that Turkey was the 20th largest economy in the world. In the fiscal year 2022, Turkey’s exports hit a record 254 Billion US Dollars. According to Turkey import export data, Turkey was the 29th largest exporter and 22nd largest importer in the world.

Turkey is the major agricultural exports market. Turkey is the leading producer and exporter of hazelnuts, apricots, wheat, figs, and cherries. Turkey is also an important fruit, vegetable and pasta producer in the world.

Through this blog, you will get the detailed information about Turkey exports in 2022.

Turkey Exports 2022 

In December 2022, Germany (1.76 Billion USD), United Kingdom (1.5 Billion USD), and United States (1.4 Billion USD) recorded the maximum imports from Turkey. Continent wise, Turkey shows a rapid rise in exports to South America (84%), North Africa (43%), Middle East (22%), and Non European countries (27%).

Turkey’s major export sectors were automotive, agricultural goods, textiles, Machinery parts, and construction items. As per Turkey shipment data reports, chemical exports accounted for the maximum shipments worth 33 Billion USD in 2022.

Turkey Exports 2021

According to the Turkish exports data 2021, Vehicles & its parts (23 Billion USD), Electronics, Machinery (21 Billion USD), Iron & Steel (16 Billion USD), Electrical Equipment (13 Billion) and Precious Stones & Metals (10 Billion) were the major exports products of Turkey.

Turkey exports by country reports suggests that Germany (17.56 Billion USD), the United States of America (13.26 Billion USD), United Kingdom (12.84 Billion USD), Italy (9.88 Billion USD), and Iraq (9.14 Billion USD) were the main trading partners of Turkey for export of goods.

Enka, Ford Otomotiv Industries, Koc Group, Anadolu Döküm San, and Toyota were the top Turkish Exporters in 2021. Ford Otomotiv contributed around 2.4% share of total Turkish exports as per Turkey trade data.

Turkey Imports 2021

As per Turkey imports by country reports, China, Germany, Russia, USA and Italy were the major exporting countries to Turkey.

According to the Turkey import data 2021, Turkey’s total imports were around 223 Billion USD. Mineral fuels (48 Billion USD), Machineries, Boilers (29 Billion USD), Iron & Steel (27 Billion USD), Electrical Machinery, Equipment (18 Billion USD), Plastics (16 Billion USD), Vehicles (14 Billion USD), Organic Chemicals (7 Billion USD), Precious Stones & Metals (6.6 Billion USD), Pharma Products (6 Billion USD) and Aluminium (5.4 Billion USD) were Turkey’s major imports in 2021.

Turkey’s Profitable Exports 

As per Turkey customs data 2021, Jewellery and petroleum oils were the top Turkish profitable exports. Jewellery (3.6 Billion USD), Petroleum Oils ((3.7 Billion USD), Automobile parts (4.4 Billion USD), Trucks (4.2 Billion USD), Iron & Steel Alloy (2.6 Billion USD), Gold (2.8 Billion USD), Clothing (not knit or crochet) (2.5 Billion USD), Refrigerators (1.9 Billion USD), Textile Floor coverings, carpets (1.2 Billion USD) and Piston Engine Parts (1.75 Billion USD) had seen tremendous exports growth.

Turkey Future Trade Forecasts

Turkey shares strong trade relations with Russia, China, USA and EU nations. The world depends immensely on Turkey’s automotive and agricultural exports. Experts predict that Turkey could become a 2 trillion economy with 500 billion US dollars exports and 25000 billion US dollars by 2023. In 2022, Turkey’s economy was expanded upto 5.2% and it could expand by 2.9%.

Through the Exim GTIS platform, you can trace potential business opportunities from the Turkish market. You could access the shipment details of millions of importers and exporters in Turkey. Also, you can make crucial decisions based on Turkey’s latest imports, exports, price, quantity, ports, buyer and supplier details.

Exim Global Trade Intelligence Platform is the largest trade database consisting of import export data of 200+ countries that can transform business. 


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